Covid 19 Update – March 2022
Ontario has removed the mask requirement. LUMC will respect this change.
Mutual care and respect for each other continues to be our aim.
We are very grateful to our LUMC Covid Response Team for all of their work.
LUMC Youth and Junior Youth Activities are wonderful. You can contact Child and Youth Coordinator – Mykayla – for more information. Children’s Sunday school programs are also occurring. Check the bulletin and Facebook pages for information.
LUMC will continue to broadcast services online. Our YouTube channel is “LUMC Church”.
Services are LIVE at 9:45 on Sundays and available, later, as recordings.
While the global pandemic of COVID-19 has presented challenges, please be assured that our church is still present as a community of Christian care. We are adhering to all Health and Safety Protocols as we continue to serve the spiritual and physical needs of our congregation and our community. As protocols change we will accommodate and inform you. Church leadership (Pastoral Ministry Team, Deacons, Church Council
and Education Personnel) are all active and ready to address any of your needs and concerns. Please call during office hours or choose any way that is comfortable for you. And if you see a need that may belong to a friend, neighbour or fellow congregant,
please help us identify that concern, as well.
So, in this time of being “home” a lot, please know that you can reach out to your church. If you would like help with physical supplies, a listening ear, prayer — anything… call and we will do our best to get you connected to an appropriate person.
“We are all Sisters and Brothers in Christ, and we need each other to help bear the load.”
One way to stay in touch online is
This is our public Facebook Group. Just click on CONNECT to see what is there.
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