
All Things New-Surprised by Hope

November 26, 2017 Edgar Brown I Corinthians 15:50-57

Drinking Bad Coffee to save the World

November 19, 2017 Mike Williamson Romans 15:1-13

Food Fight

November 12, 2017 Victor Winter Romans 14

The Way of the Lamb in a World of lions or Watch Out for Them Sheep!

November 05, 2017 Tom Yoder Neufeld Romans 13

Conforming to an Upside Down Kingdom

October 29, 2017 David Dyck Romans 12

The Magnificent Story

October 22, 2017 Mike Williamson Romans 8:31-39

The Unquenchable Spirit

October 15, 2017 Victor Winter Ezekiel 37:1-3, 11-14, Romans 8:1-2, 5-6, 9-10, 14-17

Harvest Fields – Full Tables – Recycle Boxes

October 08, 2017 Randy Lepp Psalms & Colossians 3:16-17

Live a New Life

October 01, 2017 Cathrin van Sintern Dick Romans 6:1-11

Facing the Worst … finding the Best!

September 17, 2017 Victor Winter Romans 3:9-20, 3:21-26
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