Community. Happening.
We offer an engaging Sunday School or Children’s Church experience throughout the year for age 3 to grade 8, and Daily Vacation Bible School (DVBS) in the summer for one week. A nursery and quiet space is available for our youngest attenders.
Our Jr Youth (grades 5–8) and Sr Youth (grades 9–12) groups meet weekly to build church community for our youth and their friends! We focus on forming friendships, growing in faith, and exploring the ways of Jesus. Expect lively games, tasty snacks, exciting outings, and memorable retreats! For details, contact Sam Dyck, our Youth Ministry Coordinator.
Small Groups
Small groups are a great way to connect in a more intimate setting than the big Sunday gathering. Opportunities to deepen friendships, support one another, and explore the ins and outs of discipleship are a few of the benefits a small group provides.
We are a learning congregation with classes for everyone from toddlers to seniors. There are Sunday morning adult education offerings following the worship service, including a monthly German service and occasional guest speakers.
Music Making
Singing to God is deep in our DNA. In our worship services, we sing traditional and modern songs to give praise and worship to God. Muscians and singers are all welcome to participate and lead in our worship.